Guinevere and Lancelot - 3
- GUINEVERE & LANCELOT, 3 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the booklet, "Guinevere & Lancelot," by Arthur Machen, published in 1986 by Purple Mouth Press (Cuyler W. Brooks, Jr.)
Coquille board is a drawing paper featuring tiny dimples that stick up from the surface forming a "texture" that allows an artist to delicately shade a drawing from dark to light, as I've explained elsewhere.
Lancelot and the other Knights of King Arthur's Round Table devoted their lives to defeating evil men, but in the end they lost the battle;
"It's easy to fight when you're winning,
When the glory of success is beginning.
But to fight bravely and heroically while losing,
There is the man of God's choosing".
- adapted from the verse, "Carry On" by Robert Service -

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